
Getting Started

Swim Libraries

Use SwimOS back-end and front-end components to build streaming data applications.

Design Guidelines

Common Patterns

Data Ingestion

Kafka Ingestion

How to receive and process data from Kafka topics within Web Agents

Pulsar Ingestion

How to receive and process data from Pulsar topics within Web Agents

Flink Connector

Use the Flink Swim Sink to stream events to a Swim application.

JMS Ingestion

How to receive and process messages from JMS within Web Agents

Http Ingestion

How to receive and process data from HTTP (REST) endpoints within Web Agents



Web Agents

Learn about declaring, defining and utilizing Web Agents and their properties using configuration files.

Command Lanes

Remotely command Web Agents to take action, and observe the actions taken by others.

Value Lanes

Define persistent properties of Web Agents, and continuously stream real-time state changes.

Map Lanes

Define persistent collection properties of Web Agents, and consistently stream real-time updates and removes.

Join Value Lanes

Define properties for aggregating multiple value lanes and continuously stream their state changes.

Join Map Lanes

Define persistent collections of properties between multiple Web Agents, and consistently stream real-time updates.

Demand Value Lanes

Define persistent properties of Web Agents, and lazily generate events on state changes.

Demand Map Lanes

Define persistent collection properties of Web Agents, and lazily generate events on state changes.


Create vertically integrated, horizontally distributed Web Agent application bundles that can run almost anywhere.


Define and utilize 'trait' that can be used to share lanes across multiple agents.


Share data across Web Agents and clients through persistent, bidirectionally-streaming lane references.

Server Downlinks

Share data across Web Agents and servers through persistent, bidirectionally-streaming lane references.


Parametrize your lanes with and links with custom types.


Schedule tasks for future execution in Web Agents.

Ingress Bridges

Feed data available from any network protocol into your Swim server.

HTTP Lanes

Expose a HTTP endpoint for Web Agents.

Auth Policy

Add access control to Web Agents and lanes.