Process Monitor Tutorial
We’ll be looking at a process monitoring example that provides data for individual machines in a cluster, as well as aggregate metrics for the cluster. The solution will consist of two separate applications. The first is a client application that runs on each machine in the cluster to collect monitoring information. The second is a SwimOS server application that processes results for each machine via a MachineAgent
, and then aggregates cluster-level metrics across all machines via a ClusterAgent
Monitoring Client
The Monitoring Client relies on the OSHI java library to extract system information from each host machine in the cluster. OSHI is a free JNA-based (native) Operating system and Hardware Information library for Java. Each client periodically reports its operational health to the server. Since the server runs on top of the SwimOS runtime, the monitoring client uses swim.client.ClientRuntime
to send commands bearing monitoring data updates.
Though we are going to keep our example concise, we’ll still include some forward-thinking design so that you can quickly extend the example. We’ve defined an abstract base class called Monitor
that defines a monitor()
method to initiate monitoring, along with the two methods it invokes: sleep()
, which is implemented, and pulse()
which will be overridden for each monitor to respond as it needs for each interval.
Since Monitor
must send data to Web Agents, it maintains a WarpRef
along with URI path info for host, node, and lane. Monitor
also maintains an OSHI SystemInformation
object to perform monitoring on the host as well as a configurable pulseInterval
We have a single override of Monitor
in our example, with ProcessMonitor
, though upon perusal, you might notice it includes usage information that really belongs in a separate monitor. We’ll just look at the usage information.
public void pulse() {
Value usage = getUsage(timestamp);
this.warpRef.command(hostUri, nodeUri, Uri.parse("addUsage"), usage);
private Value getMemoryUtilization() {
return Record.create(6)
.slot("total", systemInfo.getHardware().getMemory().getTotal())
.slot("available", systemInfo.getHardware().getMemory().getAvailable());
private Value getHardwareUtilization() {
Value memoryInfo = getMemoryUtilization();
return Record.of().slot("memory", memoryInfo);
private Value getUsage(final long timestamp) {
Value hardwareInfo = getHardwareUtilization();
return Record.of()
.slot("timestamp", timestamp)
.slot("hardware", hardwareInfo);
In SwimMonitorClient
, we will instantiate the SwimOS client runtime, the OSHI SystemInfo
, which then starts the ProcessMonitor
to feed data to the server”.
public static final String HOST = System.getProperty("host", "warp://localhost:9001");
public static final Uri HOST_URI = Uri.parse(HOST);
public static void main(String[] args) {
final ClientRuntime swimClient = new ClientRuntime();
final SystemInfo systemInfo = new SystemInfo();
startProcessMonitor(swimClient, systemInfo);
private static void startProcessMonitor(final ClientRuntime swimClient, final SystemInfo systemInfo) {
final ProcessMonitor processMonitor = new ProcessMonitor(swimClient, HOST_URI, systemInfo);
swimClient.stage().execute(() -> {
System.out.println("Starting ProcessMonitor");
Monitoring Server
Machine Web Agent
The information collected for monitoring can be broken into three categories:
- system information for each machine (static)
- usage information for each machine (dynamic)
- process information for each process running on the machine (static and dynamic)
When static information is set, the MachineAgent
registers with the cluster using the following command:
command(CLUSTER_URI_PATTERN.apply("default"), ADD_MACHINE_CLUSTER_LANE_URI, Uri.form().mold(nodeUri()).toValue());
Once machine agents register, the ClusterAgent
can observe the direct streaming of their state changes.
For instance, when addUsage()
is invoked, the usage
lane receives a new value, and in response to that, the status is set
with the help of StatusComputer.computeStatusFromUsage()
CommandLane<Value> addUsage = this.<Value>commandLane()
.onCommand(v -> this.usage.set(v));
ValueLane<Value> usage = this.<Value>valueLane()
.didSet((newValue, oldValue) -> {
this.status.set(StatusComputer.computeStatusFromUsage(this.status.get(), newValue));
ValueLane<Value> status = this.<Value>valueLane()
.didSet((newValue, oldValue) -> {
final long timestamp = newValue.get("timestamp").longValue(0L);
if (timestamp > 0L) {
this.statusHistory.put(timestamp, newValue.removed("timestamp"));
Let’s look how memory usage information is computed at the machine level using StatusComputer.computeStatusFromUsage()
public static Value computeStatusFromUsage(Value currentStatus, final Value usage) {
final Value memory = usage.get("hardware").get("memory");
final long available = memory.get("available").longValue(0);
final long total = memory.get("total").longValue(0);
final float memoryUsage = 1.0f - (total == 0L ? 0.0f : (float) available / (float) total);
return currentStatus.updated("memory_usage", memoryUsage);
Cluster Web Agent
The ClusterAgent
receives monitoring data for all machines that register to it via a corresponding MachineAgent
. When a machine registers using ClusterAgent::addMachine
command lane, the ClusterAgent
downlinks to the MachineAgent
’s status lane via its machines
CommandLane<Value> addMachine = this.<Value>commandLane()
.onCommand(v ->
JoinValueLane<Value, Value> machines = this.<Value, Value>joinValueLane()
.didUpdate((key, newValue, oldValue) -> {
if (newValue.get("disconnected").isDefined()) {
For an explanation of downlinking, see downlinks
The machines
join value lane exposes the status of individual machines with respect to system information, usage information, and process information, so that any connected client can check detail status for any machine in the cluster.
also aggregates the status of all machines and reflects that in an aggregate status to reflect the health of the cluster. The status is exposed to interested clients through the status
value lane, and history is stored for the last 200 values. Note that since timestamp
is the key, the field is removed from the corresponding value:
ValueLane<Value> status = this.<Value>valueLane()
.didSet((newValue, oldValue) -> {
final long timestamp = newValue.get("timestamp").longValue(0L);
if (timestamp > 0L) {
this.statusHistory.put(timestamp, newValue.removed("timestamp"));
has a computeStatus()
method that updates the aggregate status as machine status updates stream in. We will cherry picks portions of computeStatus()
that generate the aggregate value for memory usage:
double clusterAvgMemoryUsage = 0.0;
double clusterAvgMemoryUsage = 0.0;
float totalMemoryUsage = 0.0f, maxMemoryUsage = 0.0f;
int memoryCount = 0;
final Set<Value> keys = this.machines.keySet();
for (Value key : keys) {
final Value machineStatus = this.machines.get(key);
if (machineStatus.get("memory_usage").isDefined()) {
float memoryUsage = machineStatus.get("memory_usage").floatValue(0.0f);
totalMemoryUsage += memoryUsage;
if (memoryUsage > maxMemoryUsage) {
maxMemoryUsage = memoryUsage;
final float avgMemoryUsage = memoryCount == 0 ? 0 : totalMemoryUsage / memoryCount;
.updated("average_memory_usage", avgMemoryUsage)
.updated("max_memory_usage", maxMemoryUsage)
Rendering Status Information
Data can be rendered to an HTML page relatively simply. To illustrate that, we include an html file /ui/index.html
that illustrates how this is done. Most of this is boilerplate for displaying a chart, but the application-specific bit is here:
const histogramLink = swim.downlinkMap()
.didUpdate(function(key, value) {
addToPlot(key, value);
.didRemove(function(key) {
Running the Tutorial
Running the Server
$ ./gradlew run
Running a Client
$ ./gradlew -Dhost=<warp-address-of-server> runClient
$ ./gradlew -Dhost=warp://localhost:9001 runClient
Streaming APIs
Introspection APIs
Stream High level stats
swim-cli sync -h warp://localhost:9001 -n swim:meta:host -l pulse
Application APIs
Streaming APIs for top level Monitor
swim-cli sync -h warp://localhost:9001 -n /monitor -l machines
swim-cli sync -h warp://localhost:9001 -n /monitor -l clusters
Streaming APIs for a given Machine
swim-cli sync -h warp://localhost:9001 -n /machine/my-machine -l status
swim-cli sync -h warp://localhost:9001 -n /machine/my-machine -l statusHistory
swim-cli sync -h warp://localhost:9001 -n /machine/my-machine -l systemInfo
swim-cli sync -h warp://localhost:9001 -n /machine/my-machine -l usage
swim-cli sync -h warp://localhost:9001 -n /machine/my-machine -l processes
swim-cli sync -h warp://localhost:9001 -n /machine/my-machine -l sessions
Streaming APIs for a Cluster
swim-cli sync -h warp://localhost:9001 -n /cluster/abc -l machines
swim-cli sync -h warp://localhost:9001 -n /cluster/abc -l status
swim-cli sync -h warp://localhost:9001 -n /cluster/abc -l statusHistory
Running the UI
Now, you can view the UI by appending “/ui” to the host address using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol, such as http://localhost:9001/ui.