Value Lanes

This page covers the specifics of Value Lanes and does not cover the more general aspects of Lanes. For more general information about lanes, see the Lane page.


A Value Lane stores a value that can be mutated and retreived. Each time the state is updated, the updated state is sent to all uplinks attached to it. A Value Lane meets the following requirements:

Example: using a Value Lane to store an i32:

use swimos::agent::{
    event_handler::{EventHandler, HandlerActionExt},
    lifecycle, projections, AgentLaneModel,

pub struct ExampleAgent {
    lane: ValueLane<i32>,

pub struct ExampleLifecycle;

impl ExampleLifecycle {
    pub fn on_event(
        context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>,
        value: &i32,
    ) -> impl EventHandler<ExampleAgent> {
        let n = *value;
        context.effect(move || {
            println!("Setting value to: {}", n);

Use cases

Value Lanes are used for maintaining state and propagating updates to the state immediately. Common usecases are:

Event handler

Value Lanes expose two event handlers. An on_set handler which is provided a reference to the updated state of the lane, and on_event which is provided a reference to the previous and the updated state of the lane.

On Event

The on_event event handler has the following signature for an i32 lane type:

fn handler(&self, context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>, state: &i32) -> impl EventHandler<ExampleAgent> {

Only one may be registered for the lane and it is invoked exactly once after the state of the lane has changed.

On Set

The on_set event handler has the following signature for an i32 lane type:

fn handler(&self, context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>, new_value: &i32, previous_value: Option<i32>) -> impl EventHandler<ExampleAgent> {

Only one may be registered for the lane and it is invoked exactly once when the state of the lane has changed and is invoked after any registered on_event handler has been invoked.

Handler Context Operations

The HandlerContext provided as an argument to lifecycle event handlers provide a set_value function for updating the state of a Value Lane and a get_value for retreiving the state of a Value Lane. The following example demonstrates retreiving and updating the state of a Value Lane:

use swimos::agent::{
    event_handler::{EventHandler, HandlerActionExt},
    lifecycle, projections,

pub struct ExampleAgent {
    state: ValueLane<i32>,
    event_count: ValueLane<u32>,

pub struct ExampleLifecycle;

impl ExampleLifecycle {
    pub fn on_event(
        context: HandlerContext<ExampleAgent>,
        _state: &i32,
    ) -> impl EventHandler<ExampleAgent> {
            .and_then(move |event_count: u32| {
                context.set_value(ExampleAgent::EVENT_COUNT, event_count.wrapping_add(1))


A subscription to a Value Lane can only be achieved via a Value Downlink. An example client for the previous agent example:

use std::time::Duration;

use swimos_client::{
    BasicValueDownlinkLifecycle, DownlinkConfig, RemotePath,

async fn main() {
    let (client, task) = SwimClientBuilder::default().build().await;
    let _client_task = tokio::spawn(task);
    let handle = client.handle();

    let path = RemotePath::new("ws://", "/example/1", "lane");
    let lifecycle = BasicValueDownlinkLifecycle::default()
        .on_event_blocking(|command: &i32| println!("{command:?}"));
    let downlink = handle
        .expect("Failed to open downlink");

    for i in 0..10 {

        .expect("Failed to listen for ctrl-c.");

Further reading: Downlinks

Try It Yourself

A standalone project that demonstrates Value Lanes is available here.